Tag: Tech

  • Mono Repo vs. Micro Front-ends with Next.js

    In the world of web development, the architecture of your project can significantly influence its scalability, maintainability, and performance.

  • State Handling in React JS

    React's component-based architecture enables developers to create reusable, composable UI elements.

  • NextCloud on Synology Docker 2024

    NextCloud is a widely used hosting solution that offers an integrated office suite, allowing users to utilize the platform in a manner similar to services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

  • Dockerizing a React App in Simple Steps

    Docker allows you to package your React app along with its dependencies and configuration into a container

  • How to Setup Mac Terminal

    People often ask me how I setup my Mac terminal, here is the guide.

  • Top 5 ways to structure a frontend project

    Open-source projects you get very little chance to structure the project, but you still can set guidelines upfront

  • How to write short JavaScript code?

    I know some of you have never used short syntax JavaScript statements for example if/else vs. ternary statement.

  • CORS in NextJS

    Setting up CORS is always a challenge for people who are not really from server-side application backgrounds.

  • Aria is not my thing

    I am reading a lot about accessibility guidelines and met/working with some people who are responsible to deliver accessible experiences

  • My first Strapi project experience

    I found Strapi as a good example since it is not only popular these days but comes with nearly zero bootstrap footprints.

  • Host your Strapi project

    In this article, I will walk you through the Strapi CMS setup on your local machine followed by deploying it to Heroku.

  • Responsive vs. Adaptive Design

    One of the regular topics which usually comes in every discussion before starting a website is actually a bit confusing too.

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